Sunday, May 13, 2007

An ode the Clerics!

The problems of religious fervour and zeal in our beloved country,have been one of the major reasons of my depression since like,forever.
However,in the post 9/11 scenario,the issue has intensified and transformed the reverence towards Islam,of the masses,into Fanatacism and bigotry.Which is corroding the society to its core.Or I don't know if I should say,the society's core has already been mildewed by this all.
The thing that has infuriated me further,is the incoherent misinterpretation of the Holy Book by such Self acclaimed clerics,to mould everything to their benefit.I came accross a lucid example of the same act,a while ago,when a TV channel interviewed the Taalibaat and the adminstrator of the malicious Madrassah Hafsah.Now everyone knows what these fanatics are upto,and claim their taking the policemen hastages,a revenge.Some eye for ane eye and tooth for a tooth ritual.
Supporting the same stance,a taaliba said with all her religious zealot,thus slandering the Holy Book,That The Quran says"if someone does some wrong to you,you have to do the same wrong to them seven times more".Wow!I know my Quran!
Taking over the Law in the name of religion,this fanatic woman slanders the Holy Book.We all know,that during the wake of the religion in Arab,Quresh were at their worst whenever it came to Holy prophet and his companions.They used all kinds of tortures and extortions,ones that we can't even imagine.Even then,The Holy Book always taught The Prophet and the companions to be patient and steadfast,and to forgive.However,The Quran also has given some space to take revenge,cosidering human psychology.
Quoting Surah Ash-Shura,42:40-43:
40. The recompense for an injury is an injury equal thereto (in degree): but if a person forgives and makes reconciliation, his reward is due from Allah. for ((Allah)) loveth not those who do wrong.
41. But indeed if any do help and defend themselves after a wrong (done) to them, against such there is no cause of blame.
42. The blame is only against those who oppress men and wrong-doing and insolently transgress beyond bounds through the land, defying right and justice: for such there will be a penalty grievous.
43. But indeed if any show patience and forgive, that would truly be an exercise of courageous will and resolution in the conduct of affairs.

Now this is what our bloved Lord has to tell us,and this is how we misinterpret the message of love.
Avenging oneself seven times more,according to Quran,is oppression and transgression.The said fantic lady misinterpreted The Holy Book in all her orator's zeal,and we all heard it!
what is the reason for all this?The reason for this is merely the fact that,in the modern times,our association with our religion,is not because of the divine message that it gives us.but an emotion produced in retaliation to circumstances.
In this kind of a religion,sending the true message of the religion by becoming a practical example of its teachings to the masses is not considered enough,but they are forced to change to the whims of the so called self acclaimed proprietors of religion.In this kind of revolution,theres no sympathy for the masses to prevent them from eternal hell fire,but an aversion is in practice which gives license to the clerics to burndown all the shops with their alleged "Haram"businesses.In this kind of a struggle,theres no strival to guide people to the road to Heaven,but they are being led astray committing suicidal attacks,thus becoming hell's fuel.In this kind of religious trade,a wrong political statement is corrected in an instant,but a wrong interpretation of the Holy Book is not!
The salvation of the humanity is in the religion,the true message that the Holy prophet brought us,through the divine Holy Book!Not in the self-created and adultrated,political religion that is being presented to the masses through The Proprietors of Islam!

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